drawing of an eye with and without a cataract

Cataracts occur when the protein in a person’s eyes clumps together, causing a cloudy area on the lens of the eye. A cataract may occur in one or both eyes, at the back, center, or edge of the lens. Cataracts cause a progressive loss of vision with symptoms including blurred vision, glare, and/or dullness of light. Cataracts are not painful.

Cataracts are often age-related. They are common in people over 60 years old, but they can occur in people of any age who have had trauma to the head or eye. In rare cases, babies and children can experience cataracts. Luckily, with recent advances in surgery, cataracts can be treated successfully with a minimal chance of complication.


Cataracts are treated using surgery to replace the lens of the eye with a clear plastic intraocular lens, not only improving glare, contrast, and depth perception, but restoring vision to 20/20 or better.


If a person lives long enough, they will inevitably develop a cataract. But there are ways to minimize early onset of cataracts in your eyes.

  • Start by wearing a quality pair of sunglasses to protect your eyes from the UV rays of the sun
  • If you smoke, please stop. Smokers are more than 2 times likely to get cataracts than non-smokers
  • If you have diabetes, treat it properly
  • Eat a diet full of fruits and vegetables. Anti-oxidant rich foods can keep your eyes healthy
  • Take a multivitamin designed to promote eye health
  • Visit your eye doctor regularly, especially if  you are over 40 years old or have a family history of cataracts


If you suspect you have cataracts in one or both eyes, make an appointment at All About Eyes. Dr. Dave or Dr. Cheryl will conduct a comprehensive eye exam and discuss cataracts with you in more detail. Give us a call at 609-653-9933 to set up an appointment today.